Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankfulness: Where to Begin...?

This year I am determined to post something on this Thanksgiving Project blog! In years past, I have never taken the time...not that I wasn't thankful for a plethora of things, I was just pure lazy. I think the hardest thing about posting what I'm thankful for is knowing when to stop adding to the list. I am so thankful for so many things! I would have to say I am most thankful for Jesus and the grace he has poured upon my life. I am thankful for being 10 years cancer free and I cherish each lesson God taught me through that journey. I'm thankful for my loving husband who works so hard so I can stay home full time with our daughter - thankful for the challenges in's the toughest, most rewarding job I've ever held. For God's provisions - food, shelter, friends, family, health. But this year I would have to say I am most thankful for the treasure I carry in my womb. We are expecting our second child in February!!! God has given us another miracle and I praise Him for what he's done!


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