Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I first want to say that I'm thankful for Jason T. describing the delicious blueberry, walnut waffles. Yum! Maybe you can come fix them for me.

I am certainly thankful to God for intimately knowing and loving me in spite of my selfishness. I had spent the last 3 years of my life in a very self-gratifying job. It was probably the best time I have had in my now 14 year career and it certainly spoke to my desires. What I did not understand was that they were very selfish desires and I neglected my family as a result. I'm thankful to the very close friends who pointed this out to me and boldly said that it was time for a change. I knew I needed change, but it did not seem within grasp. After a lengthy discussion with my wife and some much needed prayer, we resolved that we would have to endure the selfish career path a little longer until something else surfaced. We knew that would at least be another year. The very next morning I got to work and saw the posting for the very job in my career that I had spoken of with my wife that I would be interested in applying for. WOW. Talk about God's perfect timing! And stick with me. It gets even better. Once I applied for the position, I learned from close friends already working in that arena, that due to the pressure of politics the person they were looking for to fill the position would need to be of the gender opposite of mine. Not exactly something that I could easily fix, and had I tried, I'm sure my wife, family, and God would be even more displeased than they already were. Following my interview, I was shocked to learn that I received the job. They said that I was certainly the most qualified, and they overlooked politics for a change. God is Good.
It has been an amazing year of transition. My family has been patient through the changes. I am seeing overwhelming growth and change in my children now that I am no longer absent as a father. What I thought was bringing me happiness was actually robbing me and my family of the true joy that God wanted us to experience in Him. The change brought several financial changes, taking a SERIOUS pay cut, but it is amazing how God has provided for every need and given us the ability to bless others. God has certainly challenged us to be good stewards of all that he has given.

I'm so very thankful for all of my family members. Each one of them speaks to my heart differently, and it blesses me. I am also thankful for the very close "Band of Brothers" I have who constantly fight with me, pray with me, challenge me, keep me accountable, love me and who never leave my side even when we are fragged by the enemy. I'm thankful for the commitment we have made to one another to "take to the enemy" each time we get the chance. Most of the time pre-emptive strikes inflict more casualty to the enemy and keeps him from attacking again so quickly.
Even though I'm not so very happy with the recent elections, I am happy that we live in a country where we get to freely live and speak. I am thankful for having been able to serve the people at the '08 DNC, providing a safe place for people to peaceably assemble, and even keeping all the "crazies" away from the new president elect. I look forward to change be it good or bad, understanding that God's purpose is greater than my own. As we read in scripture things must change in order for our Savior to return. And if we are familiar at all, things appear to become worse before His Glory is revealed and all things are made new.
Speaking of pre-emptive strikes.......................
Look! He is coming in the clouds. Every eye will see him, even those who pierced him....
Rev 1:7
Happy Thanksgiving

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