Monday, November 22, 2010


This year I lost my puppy Winston to a brain tumor. I began to more clearly recognize how much our little furry friends teach us. So, it is Winston and all of our pets that I am most thankful for. Someone once told me that they did not like the way I said hello to them...probably 10 years ago now. "Why do you say hi to everyone like they are a dog or something" she said. I didn't realize what a compliment she paid me (certainly not her intention) until right now. Dogs greet us with unbounding enthusiasm, complete love and a loyalty we may never know from another living creature. What an amazing world it would be if we all greted, loved and supported eachother they we they do us. Winston was the best friend I have had in my life and I am truly thankful that he was given to me. No doubt by God to teach me what true love really is.

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